Kalevan Keihäs

At the great area of Kaleva, Kalevan Keihäs has the qualities many students find attractive. Nearby there is a supermarket, a swimming hall, a fitness centre, an ice hockey hall and TAMK and UTA of course. Note! This location is a no deposit location.

Address: Sarvijaakonkatu 18, 33540 TAMPERE
Location number: 270
Region: Kaleva
Rent (€/m2): 12,44
Construction year: 1995
Apartments: 42
Maintenance company: Kotikatu, tel. 010 270 8040 (Mon-Fri 7am-4pm), tel. 010 270 8888 (at other times), pirkantalohuolto(at)kotikatu.fi
Property maintenance: isannointi@toas.fi, p. 0800 95560

Apartment Types and Rents

1 room apartments Square meters m2 Rent €
1 room, kitchen/living room, balcony 39 521
In total 14 studios

Shared apartments Square meters m2 Rent €
2 rooms, kitchen/living room, balcony 56.5 349
In total 7 shared apartments

Family apartments Square meters m2 Rent €
2 rooms, kitchen, balcony 55 - 55,5 687 - 694
3 rooms, kitchen, balcony 76,5 897
In total 21 family apartments


Tampere university central campus 1,8 km
Tampere university Hervanta campus 6,6 km
TAMK (Teiskontie) 2,4 km
Nearest bus stop 300 m
Nearest grocery store 100 m

Additional Information

Internet Yes
Laundry Yes, located in the ground floor.
Common room Yes, located in the ground floor.
Parking place Yes, renting via eParking service.
Garage No
Covered parking slot Yes, renting via eParking service.
Balcony Yes
Pets allowed Not in shared apartments, allowed in studios and family apartments.
Elevator No
Cable TV No
Sauna Yes, located in the ground floor.
Storage Yes, bicycle, outdoors equipment, baby carriage and apartment specific property storages are located in the ground floors.
Parking hall No
Playground Yes
Grill Yes
Gym Yes, Domus (Pellervonkatu 9)
Energy consumption Energy efficiency report
Energy efficiency class D (ks. Energy)

Kitchens include a stove, a cooker hood (connected to the building’s ventilation system) and a refrigerator-chiller or a refrigerator-freezer. Some apartments have connections for a washing machine and/or a dishwasher. The suitability of the dishwasher or a washing machine can only be found out on the spot. There are differences in the sizes of the dishwashers that fit the apartments. You may ask the maintenance company for help in resolving which size fits your apartment.

Flats are equipped with light fixtures in the kitchen desktops and bathroom as well as fire alarms required by the law. Tenants need to get their own lock to the property storage door. A separate bike storage on the yard. Waste collection units are located on the front yard next to carport. Tenants have to change fuses by themselves.
