Make the Most of Your StayLet us know how to make your stay more comfortable, get to know your tenant committee.

Tenant Committees

Tenant committees make decisions about using the funds granted for tenant activities. Together with the tenant committee advisory board, they discuss common issues related to TOAS, such as the leveling of rent, rules and regulations and the election of tenant representatives to TOAS bodies.

Many tenant committees organise their own events and evening entertainment for the tenant community.

We have seen Christmas parties, barbecue parties, voluntary garden work and much more. Clubrooms are intended for the tenants’ social activities, and tenant committees may obtain their own furniture, pool tables, beamers and so on.

You can find the contact information for your tenant committee on the noticeboard of your site.

How Are You Doing at Your Home?

TOAS aims to provide you with everything that makes great student accommodation. We appreciate all constructive feedback.  Tell us what could make your stay more smooth, comfortable or fun!