Estimated waiting times for our apartmentsStart of the year's update: In family apartments waiting times are shorter, depending on the location. We have good availability of shared apartments. Usually in studios waiting times are starting from six months. Follow regularly the quickly available apartments.
NOTICE: this information is only for UNFURNISHED apartments.


Rantalinna, Trikootalo, Forum, Markuksentori, Pellavapää, Herrainpuisto, Willa Espa, Tullinaukio, Ilmari, Espantorni, Rauhaniemi, Rauhaniemi 32, Pinja and Lapinkaari.

  • Waiting times for studios vary from half a year to more than a year. The fastest moving applications are for the houses in Tullinaukio, Pellavapää and Herrainpuisto.
    Favorite locations are Markuksentori, Willa Espa and Forum, where the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments are rarely available.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to about a year. The fastest moving applications are for the houses in Pellavapää, Herrainpuisto, Trikootalo and Forum. Favorite locations are Espantorni, Markuksentori and Willa Espa, where the waiting times are the longest, because either there are a lot of applicants and/or apartments are rarely available.
  • Rooms in shared apartments are usually available immediately or with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September). Applications move slowly in the forum because there are only a few shared apartments in the building.
  • Pinja and Lapinkaari apartments are furnished.


Hennansampo, Hippos, Jarinsampo, Kalevan Keihäs, Kalevan Nuoli, Kauppi, Kissanmaa, Ninansampo, Pekola, Pirjonsampo, Uusi Domus, Vanha Domus and Vanha Domus A-talo.

  • Waiting times for studios vary from a little over half a year to almost two years. The fastest moving applications are for ​​Kissanmaa location. Favorite locations are Hippos, Hennansampo, Kauppi, Pirjonsampo, Ninansampo, Pekola, Vanha Domus A and Uusi Domus; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become vacant. The waiting time for the studios with shared kitchens of Vanha Domus is approximately half a year.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to more than a year. The fastest moving applications are for Kissanmaa location. Favorite locations are Hippos, Hennansampo, Kauppi, Pirjonsampo, Ninansampo, Pekola, Vanha Domus A and Uusi Domus; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become available.
  • Rooms in shared apartments are usually available immediately or with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September).


Heikintorni, Kirstinranta, Liljanterassit, Pirkonranta, Raunonlinna, Ritvanranta, Timontalot, Velinterassit and Viklanpolku.

  • Waiting times for studios vary from half a year to about a year. Favorite locations are Heikintorni, Raunonlinna and Velinterassit; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become vacant.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to more than a year. The fastest moving applications are for Liljanterassit and Velinterassit. Favorite locations are Heikintorni and Viklanpolku; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become available.
  • Rooms in shared apartments are usually available immediately or with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September).



Ankkari, Ismonraitti, Janka, Messukylä, Pappila and Rautapelto

  • Waiting times for studios vary from half a year to about a year. Favorite locations are Messukylä, Janka and Pappila; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become vacant.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to a year. Favorite locations are Messukylä and Pappila; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become available.
  • Rooms in shared apartments are usually available immediately or with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September).


Leenanlinna and Männikkö

  • Waiting times for studios in Leenanlinna are about half a year and in Männikkö about a year.
  • Waiting times for family apartments in Leenanlinna are a few months and in Männikkö a bit over a year.
  • There are only shared apartments in Männikkö and they are rarely available due to the small amount.


Lukonkierikka, Lukonkruuti and Lukonlysti

  • There are studios only in Lukonkruuti and the waiting time is approximately a half a year.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to more than half a year.
  • Shared apartments are usually available immediately or with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September).


Erkkilä, Karinkaari, Lumipuu, Mikontalo, Paawola, Pianpytinki, Saaranpytinki, Tekniikantornit, Tieteentornit, Tuulanhovi, Veijonhovi, Veikkola 1 and Veikkola 2 and Wäinölä 1, Wäinölä 2 and Wäinölä 3.

  • Waiting times for studios vary from half a year to about a year and a half. The fastest moving applications are for Tuulanhovi, Mikontalo and Tekniikantornit. The most popular location is Lumipuu and other favorite locations are Pianpytinki, Saaranpytinki and Karinkaari; these have the longest waiting times, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments are rarely available.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to more than a year. Favorite locations are Lumipuu, Paawola, Pianpytinki and Saaranpytinki; in these the waiting times are the longest, because there are either a lot of applicants and/or apartments rarely become available.
  • Rooms in shared apartments are usually available immediately or with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September).


Annala, Iso-Heikkilä, Kaisanpirtit and Sepontalo

  • Studios only in Sepontalo and Kaisanpirtit; waiting time is half a year to a year.
  • Waiting times for family apartments vary from a few months to more than half a year.
  • There are shared apartments in Kaisanpirtit and Sepontalo, usually they are available with a waiting period of a few weeks (exception July-September).


Apartments with a friend (shared apartments): rarely available in Centrum and Kaleva areas, there are also many applicants for these. It is easiest to get one from Hervanta or Lukonmäki area.

Family apartments, usually three-room apartments have fewer applicants than two-room apartments. 1 room family apartments usually have fewer applicants. There are only a few 4 room apartments (in Markuksentori, Pekola and Ismonraitti), they rarely become vacant.

New and renovated locations, waiting times are usually the longest, because there are many applicants and apartments are rarely available.

In family apartments, applicants with a child/children are prioritized and therefore waiting times are shorter.