EASYBIKE communal bikes return to TOAS!


EASYBIKE is a Tampere-based startup whose communal bike system began in the Hervanta area last summer. The area of use for the bikes has now been expanded around Tampere, and they can be found at Vanha Domus and Lapinkaari in addition to Mikontalo and Paawola in Hervanta.

Biking is an ecological option for getting about.  EASYBIKE is an easy and convenient communal bike service. To use an EASYBIKE bicycle, simply download the EASYBIKE app to see where the bikes are parked. There are parking spots all around Tampere, including our locations, but Hervanta has the most parking spots. If you suddenly get the urge to go on a summery biking trip for example from Hervanta to the city center or even all the way to Hiedanranta, you can, even if you don’t have your own bike! EASYBIKE makes things quick and effortless. For more information, go to EASYBIKE’s website.